Message Board:
At Holland Funeral Directors, we pride ourselves in being friendly, engaging citizens of our community and people who feel "called" to this ministry among our fellow brothers and sisters. All of us could be doing other work (and many of us do have other pursuits), but this is what we are called to do: to be the face of Christ to hurting people who have lost a loved one. We have no magical answer that will take away your burden of grief and loss, but we will overwhelm you with kindness and love, and we will do it with remarkable economy.
We work not only for you, but with you, and we take seriously and reverently the high calling for which we are gifted and blessed. It is the highest of honors when you call on us to help you build a bridge from death back to life. And we will stay with you long after the funeral service. This is not simply a business, nor is this a job to us. It is our providential calling to treat you just like our family, for that is exactly what will happen if you choose us to be your funeral service providers.